Maysville Utility Commission - Maysville, KY

City of Maysville Utility Department

216 Bridge Street
Maysville, KY 41056
(606) 564-3531
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:15 pm Monday - Friday Drive-Thru Hours: 8:00 am - 4:15 pm Monday - Friday

  Sewer Service

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Wastewater is often overlooked when it comes to public services, but it is an important asset to the community for public health, and the health of the environment. We are classified by the Kentucky Division of Water as a Class III Wastewater Treatment Plant. We operate a 3.4 Million Gallon per Day "Vertical Loop Reactor" Wastewater Treatment Plant. It is considered an Activated Sludge treatment for the wastewater, which means it used bacteria generated by the wastewater to clarify the water before discharging into the Ohio River. Wastewater Treatment is essential to the receiving body of water and everyone downstream of or discharge. The plant operators constantly test the wastewater to maintain a natural balance of bacteria in order to produce a clear discharge.

Wastewater Collection System

We currently have 25 wastewater pump stations and over 75 miles of gravity sewer mains in our collection system. Sewage travels through the collection system by gravity until it reaches a sewer pump station. At that point, it is pumped to a higher point in which it will travel by gravity again until it reaches the treatment plant. These pump stations are checked everyday to ensure proper working order.